vendredi 8 juillet 2011

Amazing Thailand! THE PIGEONS (part 4)

It’s been already 8 years, since I did my first trip in a foreign country. At the time, I was 20, young, adventurous and sometimes a little bit of a featherbrain. I’ve decided to live the adventure of traveling. I went for the real thing. I wanted to discover South East Asia. In company of my friend, Stéphanie Mac Dodnald, we crossed Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.  These beautiful countries with so many wonders, gave us incredible moments, who are still engrave in our memory.  Today, with the help of my personal traveling notebook, that I religiously wrote, 8 years ago, I will transport you in a great adventure; to discover the jewel of Asia.

P.s: I kept the wholeness of the text that has been written during this trip. The familiar language is used, to gives realist tone and let the readers feel the emotions.

Since the last time I wrote, we did a lot more shopping, but still, I have some space left in my backpack! We gave us a respite of shopping today and we went to the Wat Po, a Buddhist temple. The architecture was grandiose and just watching the site I recognize the long time work, artists took to create such an amazing thing. On our way to the temple, three Thai people stopped us. They gave us pigeon seeds, so we could feed the birds. At first I didn’t want to, I told to myself, “I don’t feed birds at home, why I would do it in Thailand”. And then I thought, “There is no problem feeding the birds, if I can make those people happy, I’ll do it” BIG MISTAKE! After our useless time passed feeding pigeons, one of the Thai guys started to count how many bags of seeds we used, and he announced proudly that we owed him 150 baths, which is 15 Canadians dollars!!! At first I thought it was a joke, “Are you serious, 15 Canadians dollars to feed pigeons I didn’t want to feed at the beginning. You should have paid me instead.” Thai guys were insisting to get paid and then they were starting to make intimidation. I was feeling the pressure of those guys on us, so I throw them 50 cents US and told them to go away. They didn’t get the message very well, so they set theirs heart on Stephanie and they put around her, making more intimidation. Steph was feeling oppressed, so she gave to them 100 baths! I still believe she shouldn’t, but what she could do? They were all around her, and me I wasn’t very helpful against three guys. It was better not taking more risk. After this unfortunate experience, we got back to the hotel and went for a nap. We took the time to enjoy the air conditioner and gat about all our bad feelings. At night we went back on the Khao San, of course, to make some purchase, (lol). It’s been 4 days that we are in Thailand and I’m busting my budget every day, so far. In my planning 30 Canadians dollars per day in Thailand, it’s more than sufficient. We better have to slow down on shopping in the next few days, because this trip just started, baby!!

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